A Study on the Design Characteristics of External Appearances of Hundertwasser's Housing Projects

훈데르트바써 주택작품의 외부 디자인 특성에 관한 연구

  • 김대년 (서원대학교 조형환경학부 건축학과)
  • Received : 2013.05.03
  • Accepted : 2013.06.11
  • Published : 2013.06.25


The purpose of this study is to analyze the design characteristics of external appearances of Hundertwasser's housing projects through both literature review and field study, and to understand how Hundertwasser's architecture philosophy was embodied in the design of external appearances so such projects. The subjects of the analysis are: Hundertwasser House; In the Meadow Bad Soden; The Forest Spiral Darmstadt; and The Green Citadel Magdeburg. The conclusion of the study is as follows. The fundamental architecture philosophy of Hunderwasser is the close linkage between mankind and nature. He has proven, through his four housing projects mentioned above, that it is possible to build houses without destroying and in harmony with nature. Hundertwasser had identified vitality, irregularity and diversity as being the source of beauty of nature. Using the human creativity, he had embodied such elements into his housing projects, thus suggesting an ideal housing environment whereby humanity is respected. Hundertwasser made use of organic curved line and spiral shapes that exist in nature when designing his housing projects. His creativity was articulated through vitality, diversity, and irregularity in colour schemes and a wide range of form. Indeed, he was an architect pursuing the underlying nature of both human and nature. The current living environment in Korea can be characterized as being standardized and desolate, which is a result of housing projects being focused too much on functionalism. Through its analysis of Hundertwasser's housing projects, one of the objectives of this study is to contribute to a new design paradigm being called for today, including for housing projects to be more ecological and environmental-friendly. By motivating architects and appealing to their clients, this study hopes to motivate those involved in various housing projects to think progressively. Such an attitude change could assist in transforming and thus enhancing the overall living environment in Korea.



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