한국 전통 석가산에 표상된 함의성

The Implications Representated in Korea's Traditional Sokgasan

  • Choi, Woo-Young (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Yoon, Young-Jo (Landscape Architecture Design Firm LHYn) ;
  • Seo, Ok-Ha (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Yoon, Young-Hwal (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2013.03.31


한국의 전통 석가산(石假山)은 고려시대 창안되어 조선시대로 계승된 우리의 우수한 석정문화(石庭文化)이다. 이 연구는 고려시대와 조선시대 석가산 문화가 시대 흐름에 따라 석가산 내면에 어떠한 함의성(含意性)을 표상하며 계승되어 왔는지를 분석하였다. 고려시대 산악형 풍경을 모사해 창안한 한국의 전통 석가산은 괴석을 소재로 진산(眞山)을 모사한 작은 인공가산(人工假山)을 만들었다. 그리고 산수풍경을 축경적(縮景的)으로 재현하고 심산유곡의 흥취를 집안에서 와유(臥遊)하며, 풍류를 즐기는 동시에 정서적 안정과 치유라는 실용적 측면의 경물(景物)로서의 심미적 풍경의 산수체험을 석가산을 통해 경험하였다. 이러한 석가산은 내향적으로는 경물 자체의 형식미를 초월하며 불로장생을 염원하는 삼신산(영주, 봉래, 방장)과 도교적 신선사상이 응축된 오악(숭산, 태산, 화산, 항산, 형산)을 표상하며, 신선계(神仙界)를 이상향적으로 나타내고자 하였다. 또한 석가산을 대하며 유교의 요산요수(樂山樂水)의 교훈을 실천해 심성을 가다듬고, 중국의 명산명호(名山名湖)를 모방하는 등 석가산 내면에 다양한 함의성을 포용하며 변천, 발달하였다. 한국의 전통 석가산은 심미적 풍경의 산수체험은 물론 실용적 경물로서의 형식미를 초월하며, 석가산의 심오한 상징적 함의성을 표상하여 무한한 상상의 관념적 공간으로 승화시켰다.

Korea's traditional Sokgasans(a artificial rock mountain) are elements of our excellent rock garden culture that have been inherited from Goryeo Era to Chosun Era. This study is to analyze how the culture of Sokgasans in the Goryeo and the Chosun Eras has been has been representated the implications and inherited in terms of historical aspects. Korea's traditional Sokgasans, which were created in the Goryeo Era by imitating the landscape of mountain ranges, created a small artificial mountain made of oddly shaped stones, imitating a real mountain. People in those days would reproduce mountain landscapes through a miniaturization technique, enjoying the pleasure of deep mountains and valleys as they lay on their gardens at home while having an aesthetic experience of the landscape that supported their emotional stability and healing. The inner side of these Sokgasan was intended to represent the world of the Taoist hermit with miraculous powers in terms of utopia, expressing 5 Ak mountains(Song Shan, Taishan, Huashan, Heng Shan and Hyeong Shan) where the mountain of 3 Gods(Youngju, Bongrae and Bangjang) wishing for 'No aging and living long' and idea of the Taoist hermit with miraculous powers are concentrated beyond the beauty of form in the landscape itself. In addition, people could refine their minds by practicing the Confucianist lesson of loving the mountain and water by watching the Sokgasan and imitating 'Famous mountains and lakes" from China and they had been changed and advanced embracing various implications in inner side of Sokgasans. Korea's traditional Sokgasans not only made it possible for people to experience aesthetic landscapes as a practical element of the scenery but also had deep symbolic implications that go beyond their formal beauty and were sublimated as an ideational space of unlimited imagination.



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