혁신 저해요소와 기업의 혁신활동 그리고 기업 성과의 관계

The Relationship of Innovation Barriers, Innovation Activities and firm's performance

  • 변다니엘 (한국외국어대학교 경영정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2013.06.30


It goes without saying that the technology innovation plays an important role in the sustainable growth of the firm in the global economy. It, however, is not easy to fulfill this simple and obvious fact. Because there are a lot of barriers hindering innovation activities of firms and innovations are interrupted or don't even attempts by this barriers. So in this paper, I study barriers of firms that try to innovation and how much negative impact exist on firm's innovation performance by that. And also I try to find influence on firm's performance because of declined innovation activities. To prove this, KIS(Korean Innovation Survey) 2008, which was surveyed by STEPI(Science and Technology Policy Institute), is used to find relationships among variables; innovation barriers, innovation activities and firm's performance. In the result, I find that financial barrier influence negatively to the process innovation with small business, capable barrier influence negatively to the process innovation with large business and organizational barrier influence negatively to the process innovation with both small and large business. And, it also appear that organizational barrier has not moderating effect but process efficiency has moderating effect significantly with small business that have more positive effect.



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