LEET as a Reasoning Test

사고력 시험으로서의 법학적성시험

  • Received : 2013.05.28
  • Accepted : 2013.06.15
  • Published : 2013.06.30


This paper briefs the history of LEET(Legal Education Eligibility Test), describes its basic design, classifies the problems of its three subjects: Reading Comprehension, Reasoning and Argumentation, Essay according to their content categories and to their cognitive element categories, and states important features and traits of the whole set of problems, and finally raises some questions about the validity and relevancy of the test.

지난 5년간 시행되어 온 법학적성시험의 개발 과정 및 초기 구상을 설명하고, "언어이해", "추리논증", "논술" 시험의 기출 문항을 내용 영역별, 인지활동 영역별로 분류하고 주요 특징을 기술하고, 문제점을 지적한다.
