Grant : 한의학연구원 정보자원 통합 관리 및 분석 시스템 개발
- Kim C, Song MY, Kim SK, Yea SJ, Jang HC, Eom DM. A Study of Information Strategy Plan Through Korean Medicine Information Center. Korea Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2008; 14(3):127-135.
- Yea SJ, Kim C, Jang HC, Kim SK, Kim JH, Song MY. Design and Implementation of Statistics System for Traditional Korean Medicine. KCC Journal, 2009;9(12):332-338.
- Korean Statistical Information Service. 2010; Available at:URL: Accesse d Jan. 28, 2013.
- Yea SJ, Jang HC, Kim JH, Kim C, Kim SK, Song MY. Research Trend Analysis of Traditional Korean Medicine Supported by the Government-on the Research Reports from 2002 to 2007 Year. Journal of Oriental Medical Classics. 2009;22(4):15-28.
- The Association of Korean Medicine. Available at:URL: Accessed Jan. 2 8, 2013.
- Korean Institute of Oriental Medicine. Availabl e at:URL:http// Accessed Jan. 28, 2013.
- Yea SJ, Kim C, Kim JH, Jang HC, Kim SK. Study on Improving Oriental Medicine Statistical System for Multidimensional Statistical Data. Internation Journal of Contents. 2011;7(3):13-18.
- Han CY, Kim DY, Oh YJ, Moon HS. A Study on the Development of Statistics on Korean Medicine. Korea Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2007;13(1):125-128.
- Year Book of Traditional Korean Medicine Editorial Board. Year Book of Traditional Korean Medicine 2009. Daejeon:PNU, KIOM, AKOMS. 2010.
- Yea SJ, Kim HY, Kim C, Kim JH, Kim SK, Jang HC, et al. A Study on the User Needs Analysis to Improve OASIS. Korea Journal of Oriental Medicine. 2010;16(2):109-118.