레이저 선 프로젝터와 USB 카메라를 이용한 자동차용 철 밸런스 웨이트의 결합상태 검사

Inspection of combination quality for automobile steel balance weight using laser line projector and USB camera

  • 최경진 ((주)미르기술) ;
  • 박세제 (경희대학교 전자정보대학) ;
  • 임호 (한국폴리텍대학 전자정보통신과) ;
  • 박종국 (경희대학교 전자정보대학)
  • Choi, Kyung Jin (MIRTEC Inc. Co. Ltd.) ;
  • Park, Se Je (College of Electronics Information Engineering, KyungHee Univ.) ;
  • Lim, Ho (Department of Electronic, Information and Communication, Korea Polytechnics) ;
  • Park, Chong Kug (College of Electronics Information Engineering, KyungHee Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2013.01.10
  • 심사 : 2013.02.28
  • 발행 : 2013.03.31


In this paper, sensor system and inspection algorithm in order to inspect steel balance weight for automobile is described. Steel balance weight is composed of clip and weight, which is joined by press process. The defective one has a gap between clip and weight. To detect whether there is a gap, sensor system is simply configured with laser line projector and USB camera, which make it possible to measure the height difference of clip and weight area. Laser line pattern which is made on the surface of a balance weight is captured by USB camera. In case that USB camera is used in machine vision, barrel distortion caused by wide angle lens makes the captured image distorted. Image warping function is applied to correct the distortion. Simple image processing algorithm is applied to extract the laser line information and whether it is good or not is judged through the extracted information.



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