항균펩타이드인 Pexiganan (MSI-78) 과 모델 이중 지질막 간의 상호 작용으로 생성되는 지질막 파괴에서 Resveratrol 분자의 영향

An Effect of Resveratrol on the Formation of Lipid Membrane Fragmentations Caused by the Interaction Between Antimicrobial Peptide Pexiganan (MSI-78) and Lipid Bilayer Membranes

  • 유창수 (서울과학기술대학교, 정밀화학과) ;
  • 정준호 (서울과학기술대학교, 정밀화학과) ;
  • 이동국 (서울과학기술대학교, 정밀화학과)
  • You, Changsoo (Department of Fine Chemistry, Seoul National University of Science & Technology) ;
  • Jung, Junho (Department of Fine Chemistry, Seoul National University of Science & Technology) ;
  • Lee, Dongkuk (Department of Fine Chemistry, Seoul National University of Science & Technology)
  • 투고 : 2013.10.25
  • 심사 : 2013.11.12
  • 발행 : 2013.12.01


This study has investigated the effect of Resveratrol(3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) on membrane fragmentation of model lipid bilayer membranes caused by the antimicrobial peptide, Pexiganan (MSI-78). Large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) of 7:3 POPC/POPG has been used for the model cellular membrane in the study of interaction between biomolecules and lipid molecules. Recently, this model was used to investigate lipid composition-dependent membrane fragmentation and pore-forming mechanism of membrane disruption by Pexigan (MSI-78). Results showed that the peptide induces micelle-like fragments evidenced by the $^{31}P$ NMR signal at 0 ppm compared to the typical powder pattern of unperturbed lipid bilayers. In the present study, Resveratrol molecules were added to the LUVs before the peptide was applied to them. $^{31}P$ spectra were collected for each sample and monitored any changes in the $^{31}P$ NMR spectra. Our observations show that resveratrol inhibits MSI-78 interaction to POPC/POPG lipid bilayer and protect the lipid membrane evidenced by the disappearance of the isotropic $^{31}P$ NMR intensity near 0.0 ppm. We suggest that resveratrol binds to the surface of the POPC/POPG bilayers and alters the properties of the lipid membrane.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)


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