Quantitative Analysis of Growth of Cells on Physicochemically Modified Surfaces

  • Chandra, Prakash (Department of Chemistry, Kongju National University) ;
  • Kim, Jihee (Department of Chemistry, Kongju National University) ;
  • Rhee, Seog Woo (Department of Chemistry, Kongju National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.10.09
  • 심사 : 2012.11.19
  • 발행 : 2013.02.20


In this study, we describe the most expected behavior of cells on the modified surface and the correlation between the modified substrates and the response of cells. The physicochemical characteristics of substrates played an essential role in the adhesion and proliferation of cells. Glass and polymer substrates were modified using air plasma oxidation, and the surfaces were coated with self-assembled monolayer molecules of silanes. The PDMS substrates embedded with parallel micropatterns were used for evaluation of the effect of topologically modified substrate on cellular behaviour. BALB/3T3 fibroblast cells were cultured on different surfaces with distinct wettability and topology, and the growth rates and morphological change of cells were analyzed. Finally, we found the optimum conditions for the adhesion and proliferation of cells on the modified surface. This study will provide insight into the cell-surface interaction and contribute to tissue engineering applications.



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