A Study on the Planning Characteristics of External Space in Modern Houses

근대주택에 나타난 외부적 공간의 계획 특성 연구

  • Published : 2013.09.25


This study is an analysis of ways to plan the external space in modern housing. It investigates how vague and obscure boundaries and the intermediate space emerge and which features the plan for the attached external space in housing has. For these purposes, Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier, Tugendhat House by Mies van der Rohe, Groupius House by Water Groupius will be selected as representative building works for housing and features of their external space in housing will be examined in detail. The extracted external space is classified according to the openness into three heads: 'open space', 'semi open space' and 'closed space'. It is in turn divided in user, position, connection, composition and combination of the internal and external space. The structure of connective relation between rooms by the external space and the accessibility in circulation is visually analysed. It reveals also ways of arrangements, in which internal and external space, circulation and occupants are engaged. In addition it is historically pursued, how the external space comes up for the design under the situation of modern changes in architecture such as the disappearance of ornaments and sculptures and the alteration of features of the internal and external space. In conclusion this research suggests that modern housing presents basic aspects of the external space.



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