Key Factors Affecting BIM Acceptance in Construction

BIM 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석

  • Published : 2013.08.25


Although many researchers and practitioners are in agreement about the potential applicability and benefit of BIM in construction, it is still unclear why BIM is adopted, and what factors enhance adoption and implementation of BIM. Thus, the mechanism of BIM acceptance and use remains in question. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the key factors affecting the acceptance of BIM in construction organizations, and analyze the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factor on BIM acceptance. The key factors for BIM acceptance are identified through a literature review in TAM (Davis 1989) and related theories, and consolidated by interviews and pilot studies with professionals in construction industry. Based on the factors, a questionnaire was designed and sent out to construction organizations such as contractors, architects, and engineers in Korea. Using factor analysis, key factors were grouped into five dimensions. And using multi regression analysis, we analyzed relationship between key factors and BIM acceptance. These findings will clarify what the highly prioritized factors are, and can also be used in an assessment tool for the performance of BIM utilization.



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