스마트 녹색도시의 지속가능한 생활양식을 위한 도시 미디어 환경 구성 - 실내 환경오염 가시화에 대한 사용자 반응을 중심으로 -

Ambient Urban Media Composition for Sustainable Lifestyle of Smart Green City - Based on the User Interaction with Visualization of Indoor Air Pollution -

  • 최윤 (성균관대 u-City공학과) ;
  • 송유미 (성균관대 u-City공학과) ;
  • 김성아 (성균관대 건축학과/u-City공학과)
  • 발행 : 2013.08.25


This research proposes the framework of ambient urban media that can affect the user lifestyle through the nudge effect rather than relying on suppliers-centered data visualization. To verify how the lifestyle changes by using ambient urban media, we choose a place vulnerable to the misuse by users within the university campus as a reduced version of urban public space. Because the corridor is used as a public space by many unspecified people within building, eco-villain tends not to spontaneously clean up the space like urban public spaces. In order to construct the nudge environment, air pollution detecting sensors are installed within the indoor space, and visual messages are sent to the students via diverse visualization of interactive physical model when the air quality deteriorates. In addition, we will testify how much the framework of ambient urban media can affect sustainable behavior. Positive results will be applied to the public urban sculpture planning and individual assistant system for sustainable lifestyle.



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