유니버설디자인 원리에 따른 해수욕장 편의시설 실태조사 - 부산의 5개 해수욕장을 중심으로 -

An Evaluation of the Breach Facilities through Universal Design Principles - Focused on Beaches Located in Busan -

  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


The purpose of the study is the evaluation of the beach public facilities located in Busan through using universal design principles. The methods of the study are literature study, field study, and photos. The field study was done during June and July 2011. Additional study was finished on August 2011 to supplement the data. The result of the study is that very low percentage of the public facilities in five beaches in Busan(Haeundae beach 66%, Gwang-an beach 64%, Songdo beach 61%, Songjung beach 59%, Dadaepo beach 52%) is shown. Especially, guidance(33%), a makeshift stage/beach(39%), and others(35%) indicated very low percentage. Each beach showed the following fields under fifty percentage; Haeundae beach-shower/locker room 49% and a makeshift stage/beach 55%, Gwangan beach-guidance 52% and others 44%, Songjung beach- guidance 37%, others 39%, shower/locker room 56%, and a makeshift stage/beach 57%, Songdo beach-others 37%, transportation 49%, a makeshift stage/beach 55%, and guidance 57%, Dadaepo beach-guidance 33%, a makeshift stage/beach 39%, others 39%, and walkway 52%. Therefore, the improvement and supplementation of these fields are immediately needed. Parking lots for five beachs are shown in particular beach areas causing traffic jam around the beach and approach congestion to the beach. This is threaten to the disabled to approach the beach and shown to safety problem to the disabled. Conclusion is that the necessary of multi-story parking lots for the beach and consideration of universal design concept in the public facilities are positively required.



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