Difference on the Elderly's Residential Environment and Life Satisfaction in the Living Arrangement

가구형태에 따른 노인의 주거환경 및 삶의 만족도 비교

  • Received : 2013.09.24
  • Published : 2013.12.25


The purpose of this study is to examine the residential environment and life satisfaction of the elderly in three different types of living arrangement - living alone, living with spouse only and living with grown-up children. Data from the survey of Ministry of Health and Welfare conducted in 2011 were used for the analysis. The subjects of the study included a sample of 9,951 respondents who represent aged 65 and older in Korea. The result of analysis indicated that; First, the ratio of single elderly household who are living alone or living with spouse only continuously increased, in contrast with decreased ratio of living with grown-up children during the past few decades. It means that the social responsibility of supporting the elderly is gradually increasing. Second, 18.7% of the elderly felt uncomfortable in the residential environment, whereas only 2.6% of those thought comfortable. Especially uncomfortable places were the stairs, toilets, jaws, kitchen and dining room, etc. Finally, life satisfaction was the highest among the elderly residing in living with spouse only and declines among those in living with grown-up children and the lowest in living alone. there was a statistically significant difference in the three groups of elderly(p<0.001).



Supported by : 부산대학교


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