Journal of Digital Convergence (디지털융복합연구)
- Volume 11 Issue 10
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- Pages.95-102
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- 2013
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- 2713-6434(pISSN)
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- 2713-6442(eISSN)
Derivation of Creative SW HRD Policy Using Analytic Hierarchy Process
계층분석을 활용한 창의적 SW인재양성 정책방향 도출
- Lee, Jung Mann (Division of Entrepreneurship, Hoseo University) ;
- Rim, Myung Hwan (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
- Received : 2013.08.12
- Accepted : 2013.10.20
- Published : 2013.10.28
The paradigm of SW industry has been rapidly changing into mobile and cloud technology environment. Research model based on PEST-SWOT analysis was employed to derive internal and external factors connected with PEST factors through analyzing the current status and problems of SW HRD system in Korea. Survey was conducted by 20 experts who are involved in SW companies, university, and R&D research institute using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) model. The empirical result showed that SW fusion HRD, creativity-oriented university education in the field of software, global education and exchange, and revitalization of SW venture ecosystem are derived as policy visions of SW HRD for smart industry ecosystem. Another findings are that SW fusion HRD, revitalization of SW venture ecosystem, Job Creation through revitalization of SW start-up, Creation of coexistence between SW large enterprises and SMEs, creativity-oriented university education in the field of software, and global education and exchange are presented in order in terms of the importance of policy priority.
최근 들어 SW산업이 모바일과 클라우드 기술환경으로 패러다임이 급격하게 변화하고 있는데, 국내 SW인력양성의 현황 및 문제점을 PEST-SWOT분석을 통해 PEST요인과 연계하여 내외부 환경요인을 도출하였다. 또한 산학연 전문가를 대상으로 AHP모형을 적용한 설문조사를 하여 실증 분석한 결과, 스마트 산업 생태계의 변화에 대응하기 위한 SW인재 양성정책 방향으로서 SW융합인재 양성, 창의성이 요구되는 SW분야 대학교육 내실화, 글로벌 인재양성 및 교류, 인프라인 SW벤처생태계 활성화 등을 도출하였다. 그리고 AHP모형으로 SW인재정책비전에 대한 정책우선순위를 분석한 결과, SW기술 활용증대에 따른 SW융합인재 양성, SW벤처 생태계 활성화, SW창업 활성화를 통한 일자리 창출, SW분야 대-중소기업 상생발전 조성, 창의적 SW인재양성, 글로벌 우수인재 확보 순으로 중요도가 높았다.