공학교육인증 평가체제의 메타평가 준거 개발

The Development of the Meta-Evaluation Criteria for the Accreditation Evaluation System of Engineering Education in Korea

  • 투고 : 2013.03.08
  • 심사 : 2013.05.08
  • 발행 : 2013.05.31


The purpose of this study was to develop the Meta-Evaluation Criteria which can comprehensively and systematically evaluate and improve the Accreditation Evaluation System for Engineering Education. This will provide useful implications for establishing value, direction, and improvement remedy for Engineering Educations Accreditation System of Korea. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, Meta-Evaluation Criteria was developed to comprehensively and systematically assess and analyze the Accreditation Evaluation System of Engineering Education. The research methodology used to study these subjects: literature review, interviews with experts, Delphi survey (three times), survey, analysis of narrative opinion and secondary source. The results and conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: First, the final Meta-Evaluation Criteria were developed so as to comprehensively and systematically assess and analyze the Accreditation Evaluation System of Engineering Education. The criteria's validity and reliability were also identified. Specific details are as follows: In a draft plan of the Meta-Evaluation Criteria, Meta-Evaluation concept was defined as evaluation on the whole range of Accreditation Evaluation System of Engineering Education. Meta-Evaluation Criteria was designed to be based on a systematic approach and applies the phased approach to the lower component to reflect evaluation's characteristics. Then validity and reliability of the developed draft plan was verified by calculating Content Validity Ratio (CVR), Degree of Consensus, Degree of Convergence and Cronbach's alpha. The final developed Meta-Evaluation Criteria obtaining validity and reliability were composed of 5 evaluation areas (environment, input, performance, result, utilization), 15 evaluation items, 68 evaluation indicators.



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