조선시대 여성저고리의 그리드체계

The Grid System of Women's Jeogori in Joseon Dynasty

  • 한은혜 (동아대학교 섬유미술과)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.03
  • 심사 : 2012.08.31
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


The purpose of this research is to examine the specificity of grids to define the characteristics of clothes styles in the Joseon Dynasty period. The significance of examining of the specificity of grids is to find out arbitrary types of the features of grids involved in structuring the Jeogori in the Joseon Dynasty period one by one. The Visual Linguistic Theory was introduced as a methodological tool to exquisitely analyze the characteristics of grids in deep structures of Jeogori in the Joseon Dynasty period. This theory strives to examine sample distribution, the distribution of samples by quality and the distribution of the types of ploidy features. Through the examination, the results are as follows. The grid systems of the Jeogori consisted of diverse proportion systems reaching 86 cases, that is, sequence systems composed of multi-functional, multi-combined bodies. Most ornamental grids had feature angles distributed in a range of $2-20^{\circ}$ that showed a common preference for low sloped diagonal lines or small curvature. Although the preference for certain feature angles were prominent, the feature angles that were used were generally distributed evenly among diverse feature angles to show the characteristics of separation. Therefore, Jeogori makers in the Joseon Dynasty period can be considered as having experimented with many proportion systems to show their aesthetics. In conclusion, based on the results of the examination of feature distributions and related methods to allocate ploidy features, O-type accounted for 66% and thus it was identified that the Jeogori was characterized by O-type. Therefore, it was identified that the characteristic of the Jeogori in the Joseon Dynasty period consisted of O-type fractal structures which are formative structures unique to our nation.



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