Complexity System Characteristics and Dominant Feedback Loops of Industry-University Joint Research R&D Networks: Centered on Power Law and Reinforcing Feedback Loops

산학 공동연구 R&D 네트워크의 복잡계 특성과 지배적 피드백 루프: 거듭제곱법칙과 양의 피드백 루프를 중심으로

  • Published : 2012.04.30


Applying social network analysis techniques, this study examines complex system characteristics of industry-university joint research R&D networks. In specific, it focuses on whether these R&D networks comply with the power law, whose system typically presents the-rich-get-richer and the-poor-get-poor patterns. The basic data come from 7,751 industry-university joint research projects, all of which were carried out by Daejeon, Chungbuk, and Chungnam-based universities from January 2005 to October 2008. The empirical results reveal that the R&D networks abide by the power law. That is, a handful of business units and universities command an overwhelming majority in the joint links, indicating positive feedback dominance within the system.
