'공통감'을 바탕으로 한 도시이미지 브랜드화 방안을 위한 연구

A Study to Build Brandizing the Image in Urban Architecture in View of 'Common Sense'

  • 투고 : 2011.09.01
  • 발행 : 2012.06.25


Whereas the aim of urban developments in the past was the physical expansion, the goal of modern cities are being changed into marketing their image to make a lot of money. The recent issue of story-telling is a marketing for consumption based on various stories. This concept of story-telling appears to be a way to sell the brand name of cities like doing commodities. Cities are dressed up in clothes of stories by various ways, such as tending old paths, making-creative villages, etc. In spite of the effort, the city-marketing based on story-telling is not a successful example. Because it emphasize the aspect of restricting citizens' lives as limited stories in restricted places. There is a need for a paradigm shift that is not an access based on restricted sources and places and can change potential energy of cities into various contents. Therefore this study will be discussed on turning point of theoretical background through Kantian aesthetic common sense. The purpose of this study is to make a frame that can use images of cities based on sympathy(aesthetic common sense) with the citizens as powerful brand of cities.



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