The Meaning of Life and Death in Aldo Rossi's Architecture

알도 로시의 건축에 있어서 삶과 죽음의 의미

  • Received : 2011.03.31
  • Published : 2012.05.25


Aldo Rossi is known as a rationalist. However, his later works against the common rationalism that the exalted rationalism by the irrationalness was headed to. Rossi presented the concept of repetition and analogy. Repetition is oriented to rational, and analogy does irrational. He revealed life and death by the opposing concepts of repetition and analogy, and the space of life and death. But Rossi, everything was back to total over rationalism that would be reached in the schizophrenic situation. In this paper, the double attitude of the space of life and death is Rossi's personal problem as well as historical circumstances of modern architects, and tries to analyze its meaning.



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