An User's Satisfaction on Publicness of Intermediate Space on Mixed-use Complex - Focus on Construction and Structure -

입체복합시설 매개공간의 공공성에 대한 이용객만족도 연구 - 구성 및 구조를 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2011.08.30
  • Published : 2012.01.25


Centralization of population and industry has led to overcrowding in the city which is causing various problems. In an effort to resolving these matters, Mixed-use Development has appeared to meet the purpose of providing the city with a pleasant environment and various function. Mixed use Development in the early days of planning has evolved from a horizontal development view into the Mixed use Complex. The public space which is included on Mixed use complex should recently be in charged of publicness. These public space are changed Intermediate space on Mixed use complex. Intermediate spaces play a role in the smooth connecting of each function and effect the synergy between the functions. So the importance of Intermediate spaces is becoming a greater priority. As a result, in order to make Intermediate spaces more practical and efficient, an understanding of the character of each area must be gained and evaluations of the users satisfaction should be taken into account. This study aims to evaluate the way of enhancing the publicness secure of those Intermediate spaces through researching the user satisfaction on a scale by analyzing the construction and structure.



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