The Checklist Development of Apartment Construction Site for Construction Waste Management

공동주택 신축공사의 건설폐기물 저감을 위한 체크리스트 개발

  • 유용신 (인천대학교 건축공학과 대학원) ;
  • 채경석 (대우해양조선건설주식회사 건축공사팀) ;
  • 권춘안 (인천대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 이찬식 (인천대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2012.01.26
  • Published : 2012.05.25


It is very important to manage construction waste, which takes up a large portion of overall wastes, for sustainable and environmentally friendly (or low carbon-dioxide) development. This study aims to propose a checklist to be considered in the process of building apartments in Korea, from the generation of construction waste to its recycling. In order to develop a checklist, literatures were searched which documented the major factors of apartment construction site management, and through interviewing a number of experts a total number of 26 major factors were identified. A survey was distributed to those who manage construction wastes at apartment construction sites. Reliability of the major factors for management was confirmed through a reliability analysis and four super-ordinate factors were identified through a factor analysis. In order to identify key factors that need attention, the degree of importance of each key factor was calculated by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The checklist separates the 'category', 'importance level' and the 'rank' of the factors for easy search if necessary, and it also consists of a 'Yes/No tick box' to make it possible to check the situation of construction waste management on site. In order to increase the adaptability and usefulness of the checklist, manuals for 26 items were also developed based on the analyses of relevant literature and regulations. The developed manuals are in the form of guidelines and consist of 'Category', 'Legislation' and 'Guideline'. The reliability of the detailed guidelines was confirmed through interviewing the experts. A prototype is outlined for the further development of the current checklist and its manuals. The prototype is expected to increase the convenience for the users and the usefulness of the checklist and its manuals. It is hoped that the findings of this research will contribute towards preventing damage to the environment and wasting national resources from apartment construction and its generation of construction wastes, and towards encouraging more environmentally friendly construction sites.



Supported by : 인천대학교


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