Simulation of Water Temperature in the Downstream According to Withdrawal Types of Dam using EFDC Model

댐 방류형태가 하류 하천 수온변화에 미치는 영향 예측

  • Received : 2012.08.02
  • Accepted : 2012.09.24
  • Published : 2012.10.31


In this study, we simulated water temperature in the downstream according to withdrawal types of dam using EFDC model. Three scenarios were assumed as water was released from the surface layer, the middle layer, and the bottom layer at intervals of 10m depth. In case of the surface layer withdrawal, the water temperature rose from March and lowered gradually after it reached a peak in August. The middle and the bottom layers effluence temperatures were lower than the surface layer temperature by maximum $15.9^{\circ}C$(in July), but after September, temperature inversion appeared. It was advantageous for the surface layer withdrawal to decrease cold damage and fog in downstream area and was possible to the middle and the bottom layers withdrawal from August to September. However, the reliability of model should be improved by accumulating the real-time information of water temperature.



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