Public Awareness and Acceptance of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

이산화탄소 포집 및 저장에 대한 대중의 인식과 수용도

  • Lee, Sang-Il (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(CEE), Dongguk University-Seoul) ;
  • Sung, Joosik (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(CEE), Dongguk University-Seoul) ;
  • Hwang, Jin Hwan (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering(CEE), Dongguk University-Seoul)
  • 이상일 (동국대학교-서울 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 성주식 (동국대학교-서울 건설환경공학과) ;
  • 황진환 (동국대학교-서울 건설환경공학과)
  • Received : 2012.02.03
  • Accepted : 2012.05.22
  • Published : 2012.06.30


CCS(Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage) is considered as the most effective counterplan in the mitigation of climate change. Even though the risk of leakage of $CO_2$ stored in the geologic formation is very low, the public is expected to disagree with the initiation of a CCS project without proper management plans ensuring the safety. In this study, recognition of laypeople were surveyed about CCS, climate change, characteristics of carbon dioxide, storage concepts, ground pressure, the impact of carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide for leakage. Thereafter the factors that could affect to recognition of CCS were analyzed by regression analysis. A survey was carried out to find out the public understanding and awareness about climate change and CCS. It is the purpose of this study to propose appropriate risk management strategies based on the findings from the survey.



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Cited by

  1. Research on the Legal Task for the CCS Acceptance in our Society vol.40, pp.1, 2012,