Post-kyoto regime has been discussing with the GHG reduction commitment. GHG energy target management system also has been applied for the domestic measures in the country. Universities are major emission sources for GHG. It is very important for campus to built the GHG inventory system and estimate the potential GHG emission reduction. In general, GHG inventory on the campus was taken by the IPCC guidance with the classification of scope 1, 2, and 3. Electricity was the highest portion of GHG emission on the campus as 5,053.90 $tonsCO_2eq/yr$ in 2009. Manufacturing sector was the second high emission and meant GHG in laboratory. Potential GHG reduction was planned by several assumptions such as installation of occupancy sensor, exchanging LED lamp and photovoltaic power generation. These reduction scenarios was simulated by LEAP model. In 2020, outlook of GHG emission was estimated by 17,435.98 tons of $CO_2$ without any plans of reduction. If the reduction scenarios was applied in 2020, GHG emission would be 16,507.60 tons of $CO_2$ as 5.3% potential reduction.