The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of mathematics pre-service teachers' teaching behaviors in microteaching. This study is organized along the following lines: 1) mathematics pre-service teachers conduct twice microteachings, 2) the microteaching recordings and lesson observation reports written by pre-service teachers are analyzed. Through reviewing the first microteaching, pre-service teacher have reviewed and found out improvements of their teaching. In the second microteaching, pre-service teachers' teaching behaviors have been positively and effectively changed with respect to teaching methods, proposal of learning objectives, prior knowledge usage, presenting lesson's content, concise descriptions, brief language usages, multimedia, and appropriate questions. However, they frequently used inappropriate expressions from their unconscious habits. Therefore, the educational institutions should provide opportunities involved in well-structured microteaching training program with pre-service teachers, which in turn, help pre-service teachers to have more positive teaching competence.