How Apparel Companies Use Social Media: The Case of Facebook

  • Received : 2012.03.28
  • Accepted : 2012.06.05
  • Published : 2012.06.30


This study focused on how the U.S. apparel companies use social media as a new marking channel. On Facebook Wall the contents of messages in English initiated by companies and consumers were investigated and categorized by using content analysis. Chi-square analysis and t-test were utilized to compare the use of social media by companies with higher and lower business performance. The majority of messages initiated by apparel companies gave their consumers useful information about new products, promotions, and recruiting. On the other hand, messages initiated by consumers contained a variety of content related to companies, users, and products. Apparel companies with lower business performance were more actively engaged in posting messages and responding to consumers. The results will be helpful in employing social media to build new marketing strategies through direct communications with consumers.



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