Objective : This paper is aimed at suggesting further tasks by checking and rectifying the errors of the ancieut Chinese-vernacular Korean translations of Park Ji-won(朴趾源)'s "Kumryosocho". Method : In order to correct the wrongly transcribed "Kumryosocho" was contrasted with the original "Xiangzubiji(香祖筆記)", of which the part is "Kumryosocho". And then the errors and mistakes are discovered in published ancient Chinese-to-vernacular Korean translations. Result : In the course of checking the existing translations of "Kumryosocho", this paper identified the following types of errors. 1. Errors attributable to unfamiliar names of medicinal herbs 2. Errors due to the unfamiliarity with the names of diseases or symptoms in Traditional Koreau Medicine(TKM). 3. Errors committed in hand transcription. These types of errors were committed as well in translating jargons routinely used in TKM books. To the surprise, the errors above have been repeated even in the latest version of its translation. This means that the medicine-related materials by Silhak scholars, including "Kumryosocho", were placed at a dead zone of the research between Chinese classic scholars and TKM scholars. Conclusion : To minimize errors and mistakes, it is needed to activate the cooperative work of heterogeneous experts in two academic fields.