Parameters estimation of the generalized linear failure rate distribution using simulated annealing algorithm

  • Sarhan, Ammar M. (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Dalhousie University) ;
  • Karawia, A.A. (Computer Science Unit, Deanship of Educational Services, Qassim University)
  • 발행 : 2012.12.31


Sarhan and Kundu (2009) introduced a new distribution named as the generalized linear failure rate distribution. This distribution generalizes several well known distributions. The probability density function of the generalized linear failure rate distribution can be right skewed or unimodal and its hazard function can be increasing, decreasing or bathtub shaped. This distribution can be used quite effectively to analyze lifetime data in place of linear failure rate, generalized exponential and generalized Rayleigh distributions. In this paper, we apply the simulated annealing algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood point estimates of the parameters of the generalized linear failure rate distribution. Simulated annealing algorithm can not only find the global optimum; it is also less likely to fail because it is a very robust algorithm. The estimators obtained using simulated annealing algorithm have been compared with the corresponding traditional maximum likelihood estimators for their risks.
