Evaluation of Optimal Combination of Commercially Available Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Transfection Agents for Labelling of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

인체 중간엽 줄기세포의 표지를 위한 상용화 된 Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle과 Tansfection Agent의 적절한 병용을 위한 연구

  • Kim, Sung-Hun (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Oh, Soon-Nam (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Park, Youn-Hee (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Kang, Won-Kyung (Department of General Suregery, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Ahn, Kook-Jin (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Chung, Soo-Kyo (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 김성헌 (가톨릭의과대학 서울성모병원 영상의학과) ;
  • 오순남 (가톨릭의과대학 서울성모병원 영상의학과) ;
  • 박윤희 (가톨릭의과대학 서울성모병원 영상의학과) ;
  • 강원경 (가톨릭의과대학 서울성모병원 일반외과) ;
  • 안국진 (가톨릭의과대학 서울성모병원 영상의학과) ;
  • 정수교 (가톨릭의과대학 서울성모병원 영상의학과)
  • Received : 2011.11.15
  • Accepted : 2011.12.23
  • Published : 2012.04.30


Purpose : To determine the optimal combination of commercially available superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles with transfection agents (TA). Materials and Methods: Protamine sulfate (Pro) and poly-L-lysin (PLL) were incubated with ferumoxide and ferucarbotran in human mesenchymal stem cells at various concentrations, and cellular viability were evaluated. Cellular iron uptake was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated. Cell visibility was assessed via MR imaging and the T2-relaxation time was calculated. Results: The cellular viabilities with ferucarbotran were more significantly decreased than those with ferumoxide (p < 0.05). Iron uptake with ferumoxide was significantly higher than that for those with with ferucarbotran. The T2-relaxation time was observed to be shorter with ferumoxide in comparison to those with ferucarbotran (p < 0.05). Ferumoxide at a concentration of 25 ${\mu}g$/ml in combination with either Pro or PLL at a concentration of 3.0 ${\mu}g$/ml did not adversely impact cell viability, maximized iron uptake, and exhibited a lower T2-relaxation time in comparison to other combinations. Conclusion: Stem cells with ferumoxide exhibited a higher cellular viability and iron uptake in comparison to ferucarbotran-treated stem cells. A 25 ${\mu}g$/ml of ferumoxide with a 3.0 ${\mu}g$/ml of TA is sufficient to label mesenchymal stem cells.

목적: 상용화 된 superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles과 transfection agent (TA)의 최적의 병용 용량을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상과 방법: Protamine sulfate (Pro), poly-L-lysin (PLL)과 ferumoxide, ferucarbotran을 다양한 농도에서 인체 중간엽 줄기세포에서 배양하여 세포 생존능을 알아보았다. 세포 철 섭취율은 정성적으로, 정량적으로 분석하였다. 결과: Ferumoxide 처리군의 생존능과 철 섭취율은 ferucarbotrn 처리군보다 통계적으로 의미있게 높았다 (p < 0.05). T2 이완시간은 ferumoxide 처리군에서 짧았다 (p < 0.05). 25 ${\mu}g$/ml ferumoxide와 3.0 ${\mu}g$/ml Pro 또는 PLL 병용군이 최적의 조건이었다. 결론: Ferumoxide 처리군의 세포 생존능과 철 섭취율은 ferucarbotrn 처리군보다 높았다. 25 ${\mu}g$/ml ferumoxide와 3.0 ${\mu}g$/ml TA는 줄기세포 표지에 적합하다.



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