Management and Improvement of Distressed Urban Areas through the Partnership among Stakeholders - A Case Study of Quartiersmanagement Program in Berlin, Germany -

스테이크홀더 협력관계 구성을 통한 도시빈곤지역의 관리와 개선 - 독일 베를린 Quartiersmanagement 사례분석 -

  • 윤훤 ((주)건축사사무소 지오디자인 R&D Design Center)
  • Received : 2012.05.20
  • Published : 2012.09.25


This research aims to analyze the process of managing and improving Distressed Urban Area (DUA), which is one of the emerging issues in European countries, through stakeholder partnership among them. Based on the literature review and a case study of Quartiersmanagement Program in Berlin, Germany, the results are: 1) There are various social, cultural problems depending on each area's own social and physical characters. Furthermore, there is a large number of relevant stakeholders in DUAs. In this regard, DUAs could not be dealt with traditional comprehensive policies or plans, which were mostly implemented in a top-down manner. Thus, area-focused policies or plans would be a basis for solving these problems in DUAs; 2) Relevant stakeholders such as civil society, government side actors, residence and private business companies could provide valuable information for establishing policies or plans, strengthen the implementation process and prevent the negative effects such as the gentrification; 3) In this regard, the partnership among the stakeholders should be recognized as the most important factor for successful policies implementation. Finally, the stakeholder partnership could be a basis for solving the social and spatial problems occurring in DUAs.



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