Multi-objective optimal design of laminate composite shells and stiffened shells

  • Lakshmi, K. (CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre) ;
  • Rama Mohan Rao, A. (CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre)
  • 투고 : 2011.10.07
  • 심사 : 2012.08.09
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


This paper presents a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for combinatorial optimisation and applied for design optimisation of fiber reinforced composite structures. The proposed algorithm closely follows the implementation of Pareto Archive Evolutionary strategy (PAES) proposed in the literature. The modifications suggested include a customized neighbourhood search algorithm in place of mutation operator to improve intensification mechanism and a cross over operator to improve diversification mechanism. Further, an external archive is maintained to collect the historical Pareto optimal solutions. The design constraints are handled in this paper by treating them as additional objectives. Numerical studies have been carried out by solving a hybrid fiber reinforced laminate composite cylindrical shell, stiffened composite cylindrical shell and pressure vessel with varied number of design objectives. The studies presented in this paper clearly indicate that well spread Pareto optimal solutions can be obtained employing the proposed algorithm.



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