Determination of the linear elastic stiffness and hygroexpansion of softwood by a multilayered unit cell using poromechanics

  • Gloimuller, Stefan (Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology) ;
  • de Borst, Karin (Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology) ;
  • Bader, Thomas K. (Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology) ;
  • Eberhardsteiner, Josef (Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vienna University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2011.08.17
  • 심사 : 2012.08.27
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


Hygroexpansion of wood is a known and undesired characteristic in civil engineering. When wood is exposed to changing environmental humidity, it adsorbs or desorbs moisture and warps. The resulting distortions or - at restrained conditions - cracks are a major concern in timber engineering. We herein present a multiscale model for prediction of the macroscopic hygroexpansion behavior of individual pieces of softwood from their microstructure, demonstrated for spruce. By applying poromicromechanics, we establish a link between the swelling pressure, driving the hygroexpansion of wood at the nanoscale, and the resulting macroscopic dimensional changes. The model comprises six homogenization steps, which are performed by means of continuum micromechanics, the unit cell method and laminate theory, all formulated in a poromechanical framework. Model predictions for elastic properties of wood as functions of the moisture content closely approach corresponding experimental data. As for the hygroexpansion behavior, the swelling pressure has to be back-calculated from macroscopic hygroexpansion data. The good reproduction of the anisotropy of wood hygroexpansion, based on only a single scalar calibration parameter, underlines the suitability of the model. The multiscale model constitutes a valuable tool for studying the effect of microstructural features on the macroscopic behavior and for assessing the hygroexpansion behavior at smaller length scales, which are inaccessible to experiments. The model predictions deliver input parameters for the analysis of timber at the structural scale, therewith enabling to optimize the use of timber and to prevent moisture-induced damage or failure.



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