Analyzing Common Method Bias of the Korean Empirical Studies on Technology Acceptance Model

한국 TAM 실증연구의 동일방법편의 분석

  • Received : 2010.12.19
  • Accepted : 2012.01.31
  • Published : 2012.03.31


Common Method Bias(CMB) may cause the potential inflation of correlations between measures assessed via the same method. The problem of CMB has been well known in behavioral sciences because the survey method with self-reporting is vulnerable to CMB. Thus, the discussion on CMB is still ongoing in the MIS research in US. However, in Korea, the MIS research has never paid attention on the CMB problem. The purpose of this study is to examine the CMB problem in the Korean MIS research. To evaluate the effect of CMB, empirical studies on Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) are selected because (1) TAM is one of the MIS research areas studied intensively, (2) TAM is a theoretical model well supported by the existing empirical studies so that the result of this study would have a great ripple effect when the CMB problem turned out to be serious, (3) CMB is domain-specific. 47 TAM samples (out of 45 studies) from three Korean Journals were selected and the relevant data were collected such as correlation matrixes and the measures of the dependent variable. To find and evaluate the size of CMB, two analytic methods (Marker-Variable Technique and Method-Method Pair Technique) are employed. The result showed that there exists CMB in the Korean studies but the problem is not so serious to distort the empirical testing, compared with that of US studies. However, considering that CMB can contaminate the testing results, Korean MIS researchers should explicitly deal with the problem in designing empirical studies and collecting data.



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