• Podowski, Michael Z. (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  • 투고 : 2012.11.20
  • 발행 : 2012.12.25


Recent progress in the computational fluid dynamics methods of two- and multiphase phase flows has already started opening up new exciting possibilities for using complete multidimensional models to simulate boiling systems. Combining this new theoretical and computational approach with novel experimental methods should dramatically improve both our understanding of the physics of boiling and the predictive capabilities of models at various scale levels. However, for the multidimensional modeling framework to become an effective predictive tool, it must be complemented with accurate mechanistic closure laws of local boiling mechanisms. Boiling heat transfer has been studied quite extensively before. However, it turns out that the prevailing approach to the analysis of experimental data for both pool boiling and forced-convection boiling has been associated with formulating correlations which normally included several adjustable coefficients rather than based on first principle models of the underlying physical phenomena. One reason for this has been the tendency (driven by practical applications and industrial needs) to formulate single expressions which encompass a broad range of conditions and fluids. This, in turn, makes it difficult to identify various specific factors which can be independently modeled for different situations. The objective of this paper is to present a mechanistic modeling concept for both pool boiling and forced-convection boiling. The proposed approach is based on theoretical first-principle concepts, and uses a minimal number of coefficients which require calibration against experimental data. The proposed models have been validated against experimental data for water and parametrically tested. Model predictions are shown for a broad range of conditions.



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