Hwabyung is a culture-bound anger syndrome in Korea. It manifests as one or more of a wide range of physical symptoms, in response to emotional stress. This case describes a 26-year old woman diagnosed as Hwabyung by HBDIS. She complained chiefly of binge eating and sleep disorder. She also complained of chest discomfort, abdominal discomfort, foreign body sensation in the throat, burning sensation and so on. We treated the patient with herbal medication, acupuncture, cupping, and moxa. After treatment, her condition improved. Standardized patients (SP) were used in teaching and practicing interviewing and physical examination skills for This report suggests that traditional Korean treatment such as herbal medication, acupuncture, cupping, moxa is effective for the treatment of Hwabyung patients.
수년간 지속되어 오던 폭식과 불면을 주소로 하고 매핵기(梅核氣), 흉민(胸悶), 복부불편감, 상열감(上熱感)등의 증상을 동반한 화병 환자에 대해 한의학적으로 기기울체(氣機鬱滯) 기울화화(氣鬱化火) 간화상염(肝火上炎)과 간울극비(肝鬱克脾)로 인한 비기손상(脾氣損傷) 비허생담(脾虛生痰) 변증(辨證)하고 한약복용과 침치료(針治療), 구치료(灸治療), 부항치료(附缸治療), 사혈요법(瀉血療法)의 치료(治療)로 폭식행동과 부수증상은 소실되고 수면상태도 유의하게 호전된 것을 확인할 수 있었다.