농촌 이주 도시민의 지역사회 참여활동 실태 및 생활 만족도와의 관계 분석

Rural Migrants' Community Participation and Relationship With Rural Life Satisfaction

  • 투고 : 2010.10.18
  • 심사 : 2010.12.06
  • 발행 : 2011.12.30


The purpose of this study is to look into current situations of urban-to-rural migrants' community participation and its relationship with rural life satisfaction. This topic is important because one of the main barriers to migration decision is job availability, especially in rural areas. Besides, rural areas need more human resources to support aging communities, as rural population is constantly decreasing. For this study, we used the methods of survey and in-depth interview with structured questionnaire. We met 121 respondents who were in community participation activities by the snowball sampling method in 10 counties nationwide. As a result, we identified community participation activities could contribute to urban-to-rural migrants' stable settlement and improving their satisfaction with rural lives.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 농촌 주민의 지역사회 만족 영향요인 vol.25, pp.1, 2011,
  2. Analysis on the Factors Influencing Urban-to-Rural Migrants’ Job Satisfaction vol.50, pp.3, 2018,
  3. Life Satisfaction of Urban-to-Rural Migrants in South Korea - Income vs. Nature - vol.25, pp.4, 2011,