스마트 폰(Smart-Phone)기반의 재난 감시 및 상황전달시스템 프레임워크(Framework) 구축에 관한 연구

A Study on the Framework Construction of Disaster Monitoring and Transmitting System based on Smart-Phone

  • 투고 : 2011.04.20
  • 심사 : 2011.06.13
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


Smart-Phones are utilized in disaster management field because it can deliver disaster information to large population simultaneously and quickly, and provide accurate information through situation-based service using the LBS(Location Based Service). To study on the utilization of smart phone for disaster information collection and dissemination method, this study suggest a framework which connects smart phone by loading application for reporting disaster. The disaster monitoring and situation dissemination system framework using smart phone is composed of 4 parts. First, smart phone application enters image, video, voice and text information and location of the disaster. Second, the disaster report reception and situation dissemination server receives the information, save in the DB, and send through smart phone SMS. Third, store into disaster information database. Fourth, display the disaster report and management information on 2D GIS, support the decision making process in deciding whether to manage as disaster, and disaster management web service which disseminates situation.



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