Distributional Characteristics and Improvements for Wildlife Protection Areas in South Korea

야생동·식물보호구역 분포 특성과 개선과제

  • Lee, Gwan-Gyu (Department of Landscape Architecture, Kangwon National University)
  • 이관규 (강원대학교 산림환경과학대학 조경학과)
  • Received : 2011.08.28
  • Accepted : 2011.09.21
  • Published : 2011.10.31


Through the analyses of the distribution characteristics and management practices of the wildlife protection areas, this study intends to present basic data for improving the management of protected areas. 1) Based on the aggregate results of the protected areas, the average ratio of the metro-city and provincial areas to the designated protected areas was 1.49%; except for Chungcheongbuk-do (8.83%) and Gyeongsangnam-do (3.43%), most regions showed specified percentages of about 1%, whereby the analysis suggested that the designated protected areas were too small. 2) Considering the fact that most (86.16%) of the wildlife protection areas are in the regions that are of ecological nature level of grade 1, green nature level of grade 8 or better, and of legal conservation regions and districts, it was shown that these reserves are distributed in regions with excellent natural environmental conditions. 3) Designation of protected areas for the protection of wildlife and fish is deemed to be necessary. Although there are 588 wildlife & plant reserves, there are absolutely no designated areas for protecting plant and fish species. 4) Based on the results of an analysis of the current distribution by types, 92.47% of protected areas were concentrated in the mountains, 0.24% in the agricultural lands, and 7.29% distributed in the lakes/rivers/costal areas. 5) As major improvement projects, proposed were: advancement of management systems for protected areas, expanded designation of protected areas, overhaul of managed areas, designation of protected areas for the protection of wild plants and fish, need for management measures for private property and the surrounding areas, need to secure appropriate management personnel and collaboration, locally-adapted management, eco-information-based management, total management of protected areas, etc.



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