Plausible grid size for a real time decision making system based 3D water quality model

실시간 수질관리도구로서의 3차원 수질모형의 최적 격자크기 산정

  • Ahn, Ki-Hong (NAKDONG River Basin Environmental Office, Ministry of Environment)
  • Received : 2011.04.08
  • Accepted : 2011.08.11
  • Published : 2011.08.31


In this study, the plausible grid size was estimated to increase for efficiency of reservoir management using 3 dimensional water quality model. To validate utilization of a real time water quality management tool, ELCOM-CAEDYM model was applied to Soyang reservoir in korea. 100m grid size can represent the real topography and take out exact analysis results. $400{\times}400m$ grid can be easily used to analysis because of data capacity. Consequently, the grid size of 200m or 300m was recommended to establish 3D model considering the required simulation time and the irrelevance between horizontal grid size and vertical distribution for temperature and turbidity analysis.



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