An Analysis of Local Wind Field based on Urban Development

도시개발에 따른 국지 바람장 분석

  • 송동용 (상지대학교 환경공학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.25
  • Accepted : 2011.02.10
  • Published : 2011.04.30


A numerical study with Envi-met model is experimented to investigate the characteristics of wind pattern in Gangwon innovation city. In all case, most conditions such as wind speed, temperature, and surface are considered as the same, but wind direction is the only different factor. The wind directions considered in this study have a meaning of prevailing wind direction. When the prevailing wind with the direction of $247^{\circ}$ blows into the city, the ventilation passage toward the outside of city is formed and the stagnation of air is not expressed. In case of having the direction of $270^{\circ}$, most evident ventilation passages are composed. When the inflow wind direction is the north, $0^{\circ}$, there is some possibility of stagnation phenomenon. The case where the representative wind direction of three kind will flow with development, in compliance with the building is caused by with screening effect of some and shows a true stagnation phenomenon, wishes in the park and flowing water and the greens area to be for a long time formed and the wind direction is maintained.



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