삼중 주기적 최소곡면을 이용한 조직공학을 위한 생체모사 스캐폴드의 컴퓨터응용 설계 및 제작

Computer-aided Design and Fabrication of Bio-mimetic Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Using the Triply Periodic Minimal Surface

  • 유동진 (대전대학교 컴퓨터응용기계설계공학과)
  • Yoo, Dong-Jin (Department of Computer-aided Mechanical Design Engineering, Daejin Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.09
  • 심사 : 2011.05.07
  • 발행 : 2011.07.01


In this paper, a novel tissue engineering scaffold design method based on triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) is proposed. After generating the hexahedral elements for a 3D anatomical shape using the distance field algorithm, the unit cell libraries composed of triply periodic minimal surfaces are mapped into the subdivided hexahedral elements using the shape function widely used in the finite element method. In addition, a heterogeneous implicit solid representation method is introduced to design a 3D (Three-dimensional) bio-mimetic scaffold for tissue engineering from a sequence of computed tomography (CT) medical image data. CT image of a human spine bone is used as the case study for designing a 3D bio-mimetic scaffold model from CT image data.



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