A Comparative Study of Pyeongwi-san, Ijin-tang and Pyeongjintang Extracts on Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Mucosal Lesions in Mice

Indomethacin으로 유발된 생쥐의 위점막 손상에 대한 평위산(平胃散), 이진탕(二陳湯) 및 평진탕(平陳湯)의 비교연구

  • Ji, Hyeon-Chyol (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Sangji University) ;
  • Baek, Tae-Hyeun (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Sangji University)
  • 지현철 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 내과학교실) ;
  • 백태현 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 내과학교실)
  • Received : 2011.02.21
  • Accepted : 2011.03.16
  • Published : 2011.03.30


Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the protective and treating efficacy of Pyeongwi-san, Ijin-tang, and Pyeongjin-tang extracts to the mice with gastric mucosal lesions induced from indomethacin. Methods: In order to verify protective and treating efficacy of Pyeongwi-san, Ijin-tang, and Pyeongjin-tang extracts to the mice with gastric mucosal lesions induced from indomethacin, I administered the extracts of these prescriptions to three group, and induced gastric mucosal lesion by indomethacin, and then I observed the gastric mucosal morphology of stomach, changes from stress resulting from HSP70, changes of gastro-protection (mucous barrier, COX-1). After I observed the anti-oxidant effect, and anti-inflammation effect (IKK mRNA, iNOS mRNA, COX-2 mRNA) in vitro, I induced gastric mucosal lesion by indomethacin, and administered the extracts of each prescriptions to three group, and then I observed the gastric mucosal morphology, anti-inflammation effect to mucosa (NF-${\kappa}$B, iNOS, COX-2) in vivo. Results & Conclusions: 1. Hemorrhagic erosion and damaged mucus secreting cell, positive responses to HSP70 were decreased in all the before-gastric-mucosal-lesion-induced groups, compared to non-extract administered group. The effects were good in the order of Pyeongwi-san extracts administered group, Pyeongjin-tang extracts administered group and Ijin-tang extracts administered group. 2. In all the before-gastric-mucosal-lesion-induced groups, gastro- protection functions (mucous barrier, COX-1) were significant. The effects were good in the order of Pyeongwi-san extracts administered group, Pyeongjin-tang extracts administered group and Ijin-tang extracts administered group. 3. Anti-oxidant effect was significant in Pyeongwi-san extracts, Ijin-tang extracts and Pyeongjin-tang extracts. The effects were good in the order of Pyeongjin-tang extracts, Pyeongwi-san extracts and Ijin-tang extracts. 4. The anti-inflammation effects in vitro were good in Pyeongwi-san extracts, Ijin-tang extracts and Pyeongjin-tang extracts. Especially Pyeongjin-tang extracts showed the most prominent results. Damaged mucus secreting cells and the positive reactions of NF-${\kappa}$B, iNOS, COX-2 in vivo were decreased in after-gastric-mucosal-lesion-induced groups compared to non-extract administered group. The effects were good in the order of Pyeongjin-tang extracts administered group, Pyeongwi-san extracts administered group and Ijin-tang extracts administered group. These results show that Pyeongwi-san, Ijin-tang and Pyeongjin-tang are effective on both in protecting and treating the gastric mucosal membrane. Pyeongwi-san is more effective than other prescriptions, in protecting gastric mucosal membrane, and Pyeongjin-tang is more effective in treating gastric mucosal lesion.



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