수자원 시설 물공급 리스크의 적응형 관리를 위한 물수요 및 기후변화 영향의 불확실성 검토

Understanding Uncertainties in Projecting Water Demand and Effects of Climate Change for Adaptive Management of Water Supply Risk of the Water Resources System

  • 발행 : 2011.06.15


A special concern is paid to the risks with which small-sized water resources systems are confronted in supplying water in the far future. Taking the Gwangdong dam reservoir as a case study, the authors seek to understand demand-side and supply-side disturbances of a reservoir, which, respectively, corresponds to effects of water demand changes on the intake amount and those of climate changes on the inflow amount. In result, it is demonstrated that both disturbances in the next 50 years are almost unpredictable. Yet the projection ranges, thought of as relatively reliable information that models offer, reveal that severity and period of water shortage is very likely to change. It is therefore concluded that water resources management requires more rigorous approaches to overcoming high uncertainties. The methods and models for projecting those disturbances are selected, based on practicality and applicability. Nevertheless, they show a large usefulness, especially in dealing with data shortage and reducing the needs for expensive modeling resources.



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