Amino Acid Contents and Various Physiological Activities of Allium victorialis

산마늘의 아미노산 함량과 생리활성 효과

  • Cho, Ja-Yong (Department of Medicated Diet & Food Technology, Jeonnam Provincial College) ;
  • Park, Yun-Jum (Division of Horticulture and Pet Animal-Plant Science, Wonkwang Univ.) ;
  • Oh, Dea-Min (Agriculture Technology Center of Jeju-Si) ;
  • Rhyu, Dong-Young (Department of Oriental Medicine Resources and Food & Nutrition, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Kim, Young-Seon (Department of Medicated Diet & Food Technology, Jeonnam Provincial College) ;
  • Chon, Sang-Uk (EFARINET Co. Ltd., Chosun University) ;
  • Kang, Seong-Sun (Division of Horticulture and Pet Animal-Plant Science, Wonkwang Univ.) ;
  • Heo, Buk-Gu (Naju Foundation of Natural Dyeing Culture)
  • 조자용 (전남도립대학 약선식품가공과) ;
  • 박윤점 (원광대학교 원예.애완동식물학부) ;
  • 오대민 (제주시농업기술센터) ;
  • 류동영 (목포대학교 한약자원학과) ;
  • 김영선 (전남도립대학 약선식품가공과) ;
  • 천상욱 ((주)이파리넷) ;
  • 강성선 (원광대학교 원예.애완동식물학부) ;
  • 허북구 ((재)나주시천연염색문화재단)
  • Received : 2010.08.24
  • Accepted : 2010.12.23
  • Published : 2011.04.30


This study was conducted to gather the basic data on the alpine leek (Allium victorialis) for the expand of consumption and the production of its manufactured goods. Amino acid content in alpine leek leaves and various physiological activities were examined. Seventeen component amino acids and 38 free amino acids from alpine leek leaves were analyzed, and the total contents were 2,693.28 mg/100g for component amino acids and 535.39 mg/100g for free amino acids. Total phenolic compounds in the leaves of alpine leek showed the highest level from the methanol extract (37.7 mg/l), and followed by ethanol extract (31.9 mg/l) and hot water extract (25.4 mg/l). Total flavonoid contents in 1,000 mg/l extract was the highest in the methanol extract (22.2 mg/l). DPPH radical scavenging activity at 1,000 mg/l extract was high in the order of ethanol extract (51.6%), methanol extract (47.3%) and hot water extract (37.2%). nitrite radical scavenging activity Methanol extract from Allium victorialis leaves was the highest nitrite radical scavenging activity (79.5%). Hyperplasia suppression of lung cancer cells (Calu-6) and gastric cancer cells (SNU-601) by the methanol extract from the bulb of alpine leek were 99.9% in the extracting concentration of over 200 mg/l. No significant difference in antimicrobial activity among the 3 different solvents and extract concentrations was observed, and the inhibition zones against the gram-positive and negative microorganisms were ranged from 8.23 to 10.15 mm. It was concluded that physiological activities in a human body could be improved by the intake of alpine leek as a pharmaceutical material, and that it would be useful for the prevention of health risk such as lung and gastric cancers.



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