A Study on the Urban Changes of Hanseongbu漢城府 through Analysis on Kwangmu-Census光武戶籍

한성부(漢城府)의 '통호번도(統戶番圖)' 제작과정을 통해 본 대한제국기(大韓帝國期) 관광방(觀光坊) 대형필지의 변화양상

  • Received : 2010.06.15
  • Accepted : 2010.12.31
  • Published : 2011.02.28


This paper deals with a fundamental study for '$Tonhobeondo$統戶番圖-making' of Hanseongbu(modern Seoul) before the Japanese colonial period. '$Tonhobeondo$統戶番圖-making' will be accomplished through analysis on Kwangmu-census光武戶籍 as a map of address-system in the Joseon period. It is possible to consider the urban changes of Hanseongbu(modern Seoul) because of '$Tonhobeondo$統戶番圖' reflects a urban situation from the 1897 to 1906. At present, an address-system of Korea was made by the cadastral survey in the 1914. By the way, new address-system was a completely different from traditional address-system of Joseon period. Consequently, different two address-system caused a lot of difficulties the study on the urban changes. For such a reason '$Tonhobeondo$統戶番圖-making' is very important. If '$Tonhobeondo$統戶番圖-making' would be accomplished, it will be used by a field of urban, architectural and historical science study besides.



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