Strength evaluation of air cured, cement treated peat with blast furnace slag

  • 투고 : 2010.12.07
  • 심사 : 2011.07.11
  • 발행 : 2011.09.25


This article describes laboratory research done on strength evaluations for stabilized samples made of tropical fibrous peat. The stabilizing agents used were ordinary Portland cement (OPC) as binding agent and blast furnace slag (BFS) as additive. Stabilized samples were tested for their strength through unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and California bearing ratio (CBR). Different dosage rates of OPC and BFS were used in trial and error experiments for the most effective combination for stabilized peat samples that were at their natural moisture content. Stabilized trial samples were air cured for 90 days. After detecting the most effective dosage rate in the trial samples, their values were used to prepare CBR samples at their optimum moisture content (OMC). CBR samples were then air cured from 1 to 90 days and tested under un-soaked and soaked conditions. The most effective dosage rate for the stabilized peat samples was found to be close to when 75% for OPC and 25% of BFS per total weight of OPC, and BFS. As an example, if 11.25% OPC, and 3.75% BFS are mixed with peat and compacted at their OMC and air cured for 90 days, stabilized peat will have an increase in CBR of 0.8% to 45 % for un-soaked and 20% for soaked conditions.



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