Weight Control Program through the Fortification of Food Consumption Monitoring on Obese Female College Students - Using Smart-Phone with Real Time Communication Application -

비만 여대생을 대상으로 음식섭취 모니터링 강화를 통한 체중조절 - 스마트폰의 실시간 커뮤니케이션 어플리케이션을 이용하여 -

  • Kim, Young-Suk (Department of Food & Nutrition, DongDuk Women's University) ;
  • Shin, Jae-Kyung (Department of Obesity Management, DongDuk Women's University) ;
  • Hong, In-Sun (Department of Food and Beauty Coordination, SuWon Science College) ;
  • Kim, Seon-Hee (Department of Food and Beauty Coordination, SuWon Science College) ;
  • Chang, Un-Jae (Department of Food & Nutrition, DongDuk Women's University)
  • 김영숙 (동덕여자대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 신재경 (동덕여자대학교 비만관리학과) ;
  • 홍인선 (수원과학대학 뷰티코디네이션과) ;
  • 김선희 (수원과학대학 뷰티코디네이션과) ;
  • 장은재 (동덕여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Received : 2011.09.22
  • Accepted : 2011.12.01
  • Published : 2011.12.31


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of real time communication digital photography method using Kakao Talk application in smart-phone for the fortification of food consumption monitoring and weight reduction. Thirty-four female college students were randomly assigned to the camera-phone (CP) group or smart-phone (SP) group. Each group participated in the weight control program for 8 weeks. The mean energy intake of CP group during program was 1353.5 kcal and the SP group consumed 1289.2 kcal. The total energy intake of both groups was significantly decreased during the program. The CP group lost 1.9 kg of body weight and 1.9% of body fat and the SP group lost 4.3 kg of body weight and 3.0% of body fat. The body weight was significantly decreased in the SP group compared to the CP group. The triglyceride and total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol level of SP group were significantly decreased during the program. However, there were no significant changes in CP group during the program. Also there were no significant changes in lipid profile between two groups. In this study, it is considered that real time communication digital photography method using Kakao Talk application in smart-phone might influence weight control through a trained consumption monitoring. Therefore, smart-phone can lead individuals to rely more heavily on easy-to-monitor visual cues.



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