A Study on the Development of Direct Marketing Strategy for Organic Agricultural Products

유기농산물 직거래전략 개발에 관한 연구

  • 유덕기 (동국대학교 서울캠퍼스 식품산업관리학과)
  • Received : 2011.11.18
  • Accepted : 2011.12.25
  • Published : 2011.12.31


One of the first important strategic decisions when a starting an organic marketing initiative (OMI) is to plan the right strategy for distributing products. This decision depends to a large extent on whether the OMI has chosen a quality-premium product strategy or a price-quantity strategy. All distribution decisions interact strongly with other aspects of the marketing mix. Where and how a product is distributed objectives, its chosen strategy and the availability of human and capital resources. To select a market channel, frequent contact and discussions with possible partner are important. Generally, a distribution is made between the direct and indirect physical distribution of organic products to consumers. The longer the supply chain, the lower the chances that an OMI can steer the market through its own marketing measures and convince consumers through its own promotion activities. Generally speaking, the shorter the chain between OMI products and the final consumer, the less dependent the OMI will be on the success of other market actors. Direct selling activities to the retail or food industries also requires an OMI to undertake additional processing and marketing activities. For example, retailers often expect products to have been packed and labelled ready for sale. To conclude, distribution channels should be chosen in accordance with the product and price policy as well as the management capacity of the OMI.



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