Plane detection is very important information for mission-critical of robot in 3D environment. A representative method of plane detection is Hough-transformation. Hough-transformation is robust to noise and makes the accurate plane detection possible. But it demands excessive memory and takes too much processing time. Iterative randomized Hough-transformation has been proposed to overcome these shortcomings. This method doesn't vote all data. It votes only one value of the randomly selected data into the Hough parameter space. This value calculated the value of the parameter of the shape that we want to extract. In Hough parameters space, it is possible to detect accurate plane through detection of repetitive maximum value. A common problem in these methods is that it requires too much computational cost and large number of memory space to find the distribution of mixed multiple planes in parameter space. In this paper, we detect multiple planes only via data sampling using Self Organizing Map method. It does not use conventional methods that include transforming to Hough parameter space, voting and repetitive plane extraction. And it improves the reliability of plane detection through division area searching and planarity evaluation. The proposed method is more accurate and faster than the conventional methods which is demonstrated the experiments in various conditions.