A Study on the investigation research for architectural plan about Crematory Facilities - focused on the Jeollabuk-do area -

화장장(火葬場)의 건축계획에 관한 실태조사 연구 - 전라북도지역을 중심으로 -

  • 이덕용 (전북과학대학교 건축토목조경계열)
  • Published : 2011.11.25


End of all living subjects which are a dead the low of meaning is word. Also is a funeral and in compliance with from the customary family formality of the Chu Hsi generally at in the ceremonial occasions and alias that calls says. The human being went without question a all ages and countries and many and in order to extend the time endeavored came. Received with the fact which is not the possibility the dead avoiding finally came to admit, that was afraid and comfort the methods for appeared. This annular lifestyle rises prays the peace of future life with the method for the shop custom in even modern age to make the funeral culture be located which is general, becomes and there is a possibility of seeing with the cause which is biggest. Our country ceremonial occasions from past undergoes the influence of China on a large scale in here and comes but there is a possibility seeing with the one kind cause that to Korea time the Confucianism ideology overflows specially in the national whole.



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